Monday, March 9, 2009

The "Change" Everyone Knew Was Coming

It has happened today.  A single man's directive to usher in more unethical and greedy science than actual research for actual, working cures.  The harbinger of death is no more evident than in this Administration's actions and the will of the Democratic Party.  The propaganda being spewed by the proponents and President Obama himself is misleading at the very least.  His saying that human cloning will never be allowed for "human reproduction" is laudable, but impossible to control with his executive order to allow embryonic stem cell research.  Proof of this is the successful use of the term "stem cell research" to include embryonic stem cell use and research and pinning those of us against only the embryonic stem cell industry as our being against all stem cell research.  That huge deception is going to bankrupt this country financially and morally, if we are not already.

As one can attest via today's stock market, those few, special interest companies mainly working in embryonic stem cell research have seen their stocks soar.  Not benefitting from this executive order are the companies who have been continuing their research and development in ADULT stem cell research.  They actually have cures and treatments in the pipeline.  No embryonic stem cell R&D has yet to show ANY, ANY success using embryonic stem cells.

Today, I would predicate, sets the path for further enslavement of our lower class, the market of purchasing women's eggs for use in research and thus more women put in harms way in exchange for financial gain (called enslavement folks), and billions and billions of taxpayer dollars to prove in ten years that still, as in the last ten years by California research companies, that embryonic stem cells cannot be harnessed or used for predictable treatments and cures.  Remember, Korea hailed great success, only for the announcement to be exposed as a fraud.  Same thing happened in Britain.  This research has been going on since the 1960s without one success.

President Obama today orated the same, tired "potential to cure diabetes, spinal cord injuries, Parkinsons Disease".  Note the use, after all these years, of the word "potential".  Yet, being shunned and ignored are the 60-70 treatments now being used by patients of adult stem cells to treat all manner of medical treatments.  The politicians, celebrities and research professionals have cast off these successes and avoided recognizing and praising them as it would hurt their agenda of promoting abortion and human cloning and the slippery slope we all know will lead to such atrocities as designer babies, the early detection and abortion of less than perfect, in the eyes of the vain, babies "who might be a problem".  None of us on this side of this argument have any problem whatsoever with the use of cord blood for stem cells, placenta for stem cells, rhino cells, skin cells and likely more I am not aware of.  Use of OUR OWN CELLS to heal us!

The bottom line here is that OUR cells cannot be PATENTED as a line of developed cells.  But grow a set of embryonic cells and the law says you can.  Thus the huge, highly funded propaganda campaigns to fund embryonic cells rather than let the market and actual scientific progress focus funds to the research that works.  This flies straight into the face of Healthcare reform to make healthcare more affordable and more accessible.  Rather than allow us to bank or have our own cells donated to heal each of us, our government is deciding it is better to put women's health at risk, insure fewer babies born, population decline and (if it even works) of near monopolization of cures so that like chemo drugs, stem cell treatments can be made expensive simply because so few companies are allowed to even manufacture these potential cures.

It just makes no sense other than greed and social engineering to fund embryonic stem cell research.  But then, I believe, the Liberal socialist agenda is to force the majority of Americans to accept the Liberal agenda of no morals, no God, no ethics and redistribution of wealth except as it concerns them.

Next - the "Freedom of Choice Act".  Choice to kill a baby at any point in its life just because he or she is unwanted.  And the Choice here is that Doctors will be required to comply with a patients request to abort the pregnancy at any time and not allowed to contact her parents if she is under age.  And no Pro Life consultation will be allowed if the clinic does not choose to allow such alternative 'choice'.

I'm still looking where the "Choice" is in the FOCA bill.

God Help Us!

Russ Wojtkiewicz

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